January 7, 2007

Merry Christmas?

In consideration of the holidays, the company I work for (not Microsoft, of course), gave me Monday and Tuesday off (Dec. 25-26). I find this sort of amusing, since I get paid by the hour and they don't give me paid vacation. So what exactly are they doing for me? Giving me permission to stay home for two days and not get paid? Or saying it's okay for me not to go in and earn them any money. (Naturally, Microsoft pays more per hour for my time than I get--the company I work for gets a taste. A big taste.)(Yes, I have watched The Sopranos, apparently too many times.)(You got a problem with that?) Either way, thanks a lot!

Also, a bit thank you to the company I work for for my "Holidays Not a Christmas." I can't be sure, but I'm about 99.9 percent positivet that it cost about as much as the company makes off me in one hour. The sentiment was noted, if you know what I mean and I think you do ...

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