January 10, 2007

Let me cell you something, mister!

The other day while walking back up to my cube (no offices for orange badges!) from the cafeteria (no eating with orange badges!), lunch in hand, I was accosted by some people from a cell phone company (Cingular, I think, but I could be wrong) asking me if I wanted to get a sign up to get a great Microsoft deal on the latest, fanciest phone, blah blah blah. I said no, but they kept bugging me. (Are you sure? It's such a good deal!) I said I already had a phone, but they kept bugging me. (But not this phone, it's the newest thing--newer than new!) I said I had a contract, but they kept bugging me. (But you'll save so much money with us it won't matter if you break your contract!)

In fact in order to get them away from me I had to tell them that I was "contingent staff" (a nice way for saying orange-badge/temp/non-real person), the implication being, of course, that I wasn't eligible for (wasn't allowed to get) the deal. Needless to say, they didn't know what I was talking about (cell phone salespeople not being particularly notable for their intelligence, in my experience), so I was actually forced to flash my orange badge at them. They backed off so fast you'd think my orange badge said LEPER on it rather than Microsoft. One of them almost tripped over her own feet trying to get away from me. Seriously.

Microsoft, leprosy: make your own jokes here, people! You can thank me later ...

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